• January 17, 2025
  • ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Piping & Pipeline Inspection

It is important to the success of your company are the assets you rely on each day. These include your plant processes and equipment. Keeping them safe and reliable is your goal. Our pipeline integrity management and piping Inspection include pipeline feasibility study, pipeline inspection procedure and budget developments, reporting and recommendations etc. EIWAA offers comprehensive package of consultancy and project support services with the capability of performing industry focused research and development contracts. 

EIWAA offers the inspection and certification by suitable NDT instruments as well as Integrity assessment Inspections of Above Ground Pipeline Inspection and Certification and Underground Pipeline Testing Service and Certification. The extent of inspection required depends on the severity and quantity of the pitting damage. In cases where there is excessive or little to no pitting, inspecting 10% of the total area is often sufficient. Our experts having skills and experience in materials and material science, electro chemistry, corrosion, and life assessment.

Pipeline NDT Inspection:

Pipeline Inspection service is used to find out the corrosion mapping and corrosion evaluation of piping. Conventional pipeline NDT Testing is ultrasonic thickness gauging and various pipeline nod destructive testing services of Magnetic Particle Examination, Dye Penetrant Testing as well as PAUT Inspection services are also available for pipeline NDE evaluation.

Our Third Party Inspection Services in UAE offers piping and pipeline Inspection Services, Non-destructive Testing Services, Welding Inspection Services, Painting Inspection Services, Pipeline Pressure Testing and Hydro testing services, Pipeline Integrity Services etc. Underground pipeline leak testing services and leak detection services in UAE, shall be conducted by Acoustic emission NDT Testing Services. Ultrasonic thickness gauging of pipeline Inspection Services shall be performed for corrosion survey as well as pipeline remaining life assessment service as per API 570 Standards.

Piping Inspection

Pipeline Inspection

Pipeline Testing

Piping and Pipeline Inspection Service:

As per the approved piping inspection test plan, API 570 Inspector will review the extend of NDT examination as well as approved piping inspection procedure. API 570 inspector conduct the inspection with reference to the API 570 inspection checklist. Extend of NDT Examination and acceptance criteria described in API 570 Piping inspection procedure and API 570 inspection checklist. Piping and Pipeline inspection acceptance is absolutely based on the discretion of inspection engineer. 

For most Oil and Gas companies in UAE, Piping Inspection is associated with Storage tank Terminals and Storage tank Inspection Services as per API 650/API 653 Fit to Use Evaluation. Pipeline Survey associated with the pipeline testing services shall be Topographical Survey and 3D Scanning. Pressure Testing Service in UAE covers the scope of NDT Testing and deflection dimensional measurements of pipeline. PRV Calibration Service also ensures the set pressure and MAWP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Among the third-party piping inspection companies, EIWAA is the top 3 rd party pipeline inspection service and is equipped with advanced NDT testing instruments. Fitness for service evaluation is issued based on the condition assessment of pipeline testing service and next API 570 inspection frequency and API 570 Inspection interval is also depends upon the API 570 condition assessment of piping and pipeline.

API 570 inspection means in service inspection of pipeline, repair, and alternation. API 570 code clearly states the In service Inspection frequency, Inspection and certification requirements etc.

Corrosion Survey of pipeline includes Corrosion pipeline assessment, Pipeline Corrosion survey etc.by
Ultrasonic thickness gauging and other advanced Pipeline NDT Testing methods. Advanced NDT Methods of MFL Technologies are available for offshore pipeline welding inspection and offshore pipeline inspection.

Pipeline integrity services is a type of fitness for service evaluation of pipeline and ensure the pipeline condition that it is fit for usage of inward/outward operation until a specific period. Authorized API 570 Pipeline inspector of EIWAA perform the pipeline inspection reports as well as pipeline structural integrity and recommendation is based on the API 570 piping inspection requirements as per the pipeline integrity survey.

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