• February 12, 2025
  • ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE
topography service uae

What is meant by Topographical Survey or Topography Services?

What is Topography?

Topography or topographical survey is an accurate examination that maps the physical attributes and features of a plot of land. It gives precise details about the land’s elevation, slopes, vegetation, buildings, utilities, and other natural and man-made elements.

What are the Equipment’s of Topographical Survey?

Surveyors usually use a variety of surveying techniques when conducting a Topographical survey, including ground-based measurements and sophisticated surveying tools like GPS (Global Positioning System), total stations, and laser scanners. After processing and analysis, a topographic map or digital model of the surveyed area is produced.

How to perform a Topographical Survey?

Topographical survey measurements are made with specialized equipment, which can be an electronic distance measuring (EDM) instrument or a surveying-grade handheld GPS unit.
Today’s surveyors will have all of their equipment digitally linked, so regardless of the approach taken, the results can be presented in a variety of ways. On the main site map, the raw data is displayed as contour lines. However, this can be improved using specialized software to create custom interactive views. Additionally, the outcomes can be superimposed on data from other mapping resources, such as Ordnance Survey (OS) maps.

General Topography Procedure?

1. Planning: The survey team will begin preparing the survey by going through the available records and maps, finding out where the survey area is and how vast it is, and identifying any potential obstacles or dangers. The team will also acquire the tools and materials required for the survey.

2. Field Survey and Assessment : Using equipment like GPS, electronic distance meters, and total stations, the survey crew will conduct the field survey during this phase and collect measurements and data. In order to start the survey, the field team ties the traverse to published benchmarks and horizontal control monuments and builds a strong horizontal and vertical control network. The team will also take photographs of any man-made or natural objects, such roads, buildings, trees, etc., that are present on the property.

3. Data Registration and Drafting: After the field assessment is over, the data will be processed and examined by the survey team. There will be a field Quality Control procedure where the fieldwork is reviewed for accuracy and appropriate application of surveying techniques. If any modifications or changes are needed, they will be made during this stage. After that, the drafting team will work on the field data and develop the deliverables in line with the needs of the customer. Usually, the client defines the CAD standards.

4.Quality Control: The report and deliverables will be examined by the quality control team to make sure they are accurate and comprehensive. Frequently, a field team, photos taken during field surveys, and current satellite imagery are used to accomplish this stage. When necessary, specific features are marked for field audits. The client and other stakeholders will examine the survey report and deliverables, and any necessary adjustments will be made prior to final approval.

Why do you use Topography Services?

Topographic surveys are a valuable resource for a wide range of specialists, including surveyors, planners, and civil and architectural engineers. There are several uses for these surveys, including:
To make a detailed map of a region
To determine the land’s contours
To identify elements that are man-made and nature.
To schedule building projects
To manage land
In-depth knowledge of the topography of a particular area can also be obtained through topographic surveys, which is then utilized to inform design and project management decisions. A legal document defining a property’s boundaries can also be created using the information gathered during a topographic survey.

How does Topographic Survey benefit you?

Topography Mapping provides physical characters and features of information for site planning, Drainage and Grading Analysis, land development and infrastructure development. Topographical survey benefits for construction and development, road construction, bridge design, Engineering projects of terrain slopes and natural features. Topography plays a vital role in land planning, zoning, boundary survey, site analysis and visualization.

Relation of LiDAR Scanning Technology and Topography?

LiDAR is not a technology; it’s a methodology. Light detection and ranging, or LiDAR for short, is a remote sensing method that creates 3D models and maps of environments and objects by gathering data.

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